Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lets tour Abbottabad

Let me make a point here that it is May 2012 and I am writing about Abbottabad. This writing has nothing to do with the adventures of the OBL operation and this is more about the veiled beauty of Pakistan - Abbottabad.

A road heading to famous spots near Abbottabad
Abbottabad is famous for various reasons, for example this garrison city of Pakistan has the best military school. The PMA Kakul functions like the Sandhurst in UK. Abbottabad is famous for its valleys, blooming flowers and fertile land. Moreover, Abbottabad is an ideal place for people who want to avoid the hustles and bustles of cities like Karachi and Lahore. Undoubtedly, it is one of the cleanest and the most beautiful cities of Pakistan.

Abbottabad is the principal city of the Abbottabad District in khyber pakhtunkhwa (KP sounds better!). It is around 4120 ft above seal level and is located around 100 km from Rawalpindi. The city is much like a valley with scenic beauty and beautiful romantic weather at its peak. The city is also known as ‘The City of the Maple Tree’. 

Trekking, Hiking, Camping, Photography and Golf  is a must!

The beautiful Abbottabad

Ilyasi Masjid

Must See:

§  Mukeshpuri 9800 feet and Miranjani 9750 feet are its highest peaks.
§  Takaya
§  Ilysi Mosque, Shimla Pahari(hill)
§  Nawansheher Bazaar stairs
§  Dodheyal
§  Harno (tourist area with open water)
§  Thandiani(~25 km)
§  Swinging Bridge near Harno
§  Dhamtoor